He's obviously a busy man.
When does he get time for the working girls? Especially if he has to slot them in (so to speak) between drinking beer? Which as all men know causes brewer's droop?
Brewer's droop in itself is a good argument against Intelligent Design. Drink enough beer to overcome inhibitions and find a girl, then get the droop. What deity designed that? Not a benevolent one, that's for sure. But wait! What about Lot? Well, he obviously wasn't normal (quite apart from his grief over his salty wife -who would have guessed that would happen?) but he was able to incestuously copulate with his daughters over a couple of days while blotto.
Not quite sure what moral to take from that story. Be a good man and you don't get the droop? Be a good man and copulate with your daughters (the ones the townspeople didn't want)?
Maybe I need to go to a KH with these questions.